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Meet Shimla - a girl who found a new family after COVID!

While we have all been affected by COVID, some children in our ‘family' have had their families taken from them. Through longstanding relationships developed in the Jal Vihar community surrounding the city of Delhi, our team have identified 20 children who lost their parents due to the pandemic. Life for these families, living day to day in good times, has been extremely challenging with tragic outcomes for some.

Many parents have lost their little ones due to starvation and children their mothers and fathers due to the disease.

It has been a privilege to provide additional support to this community through this time including longterm family care for these orphaned children. All have now been transitioned to live with extended family like 11 year old Shimla, a special addition to Sanjay and Rajni’s loving family. Sanjay and Rajni, with 3 children of their own, had already taken in 4 orphans due to COVID when they learned about Shimla. This big-hearted couple now have 8 children to raise. Sanjay earns daily wages doing electrical work, and, while the family have 2 goats and 2 cows, they need our help. In addition to providing them with food packets, moral support, and counseling, we wish to support this family and others to ensure all of the children’s basic needs are met including education, transportation to school, access to medical care, and more. We are able to support all 20 children for just under $500 per month (an average of $20/child each month). If you would like to sponsor Shimla or give towards the support of all of these children and families, please GIVE today or contact us directly at or 661.213.3380 for more information. Many children orphaned due to COVID or other reasons do not have happy outcomes. Our relationships in this community have enabled us to give these children the love and care of family… something all children deserve because they are all as precious to God as our own. Thank you for being a part of Global Family & the Daughter Project!

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